101 About Foundation in Science

What is a Foundation in Science?

If you are determined to go down the medical field or pursue a science-related degree, it would be a good choice to apply for science foundation programme in malaysia. Below are the courses you learn, the advantages of the foundation in science, and the basic requirements to enter this programme. The main matter about the Foundation in Science is that it prepares individuals for a smooth transition from SPM to a wide range of science-related degrees such as medicine, engineering, bioscience and computer science. This programme focuses on science-related subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and information technology. Once done with this programme, the individual will be equipped with sturdy fundamental knowledge and skills to pursue a science-related degree. 

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What are the Requirements to take a Foundation in Science Programme in Malaysia?

A Foundation in Science Programme is to be taken once the individual has completed their SPM or equivalent. The individual must at least have a minimum of 5Cs,  including Mathematics and 2 Science subjects. Overall, the required subjects to have studied in SPM are Mathematics, two science subjects from Biology, Physics and Chemistry and some universities will require an Additional Mathematics paper. 

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Duration of a Foundation in Science 

The duration of a foundation in science solely depends on the university in Malaysia you enroll in. The courses provided are broad-based and specialised, which gives a good introduction but has good depth of the course at the same time. Usually, according to the university, there will be compulsory core subjects and some electives that can be decided by the individual, based on the degree that they are aiming to further study. The foundation and science programme will consist of coursework and the final examinations. Coursework could include quizzes, practical tests, presentations and projects which take up 30%–50% of your grade and the remaining 50%–70% of your final examinations. Do remember that the foundation in science programme in each university may be different as it will be fully administered by the university itself as compared to A-Levels which is handled by Cambridge. 

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There are a few typical and common courses and subjects to expect when studying a Foundation in Science. These subjects are Mathematics (e.g. Algebra, Calculus, Mathematics for Science), Chemistry (e.g. General Chemistry, Principles of Chemistry), Physics (e.g. Fundamentals of Physics), Biology (e.g. General Biology), English and Computing Essentials. Some other examples of focused modules some universities offer are Health Sciences, Engineering, and Computing. Health sciences subjects are Molecules, Cells and Energy, Thermochemistry and Organic, Chemistry, Introduction to Medical Sciences and Psychology in Healthcare. Engineering subjects could be Engineering Mathematics, Electromagnetism and Thermodynamics, Introduction to Engineering Technology and Engineering Design and Innovation. Computing subjects could be Introduction to Computing, Mathematics, Introduction to Algorithm & Problem Solving and Introduction to Multimedia. For more information, click here

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